Engleza The deer – Caprioara

Posted in Compuneri engleza on Mar 27, 2010

It was summer and  was a sunny day.The birds sang.
I went to the forest.I love the forests.I walked in the forest and I picked up some flowers.They looked nice.
When I stopped to a river I saw a deer.it was beautiful!It had  brown eyes,long ears,small nose,short tail.
It was scared of me.I went next to it.I said:
-Don’t be afraid!
At that moment i had got an idea.I looked in my bag and i took out a sandwich.I gave the sandwich to the deer.It ate quickly but i could took a photo with the deer.Than it ran fast.
That day was so beautiful.


Compunere trimisa de Cristina.

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3 Responses to “ Engleza The deer – Caprioara ”

  1. #1 Robi Says:

    multumesc mult ca ai facut-o sunt sigur ca o sa iau 10 , dar daca ai vrea sa pui si o traducere facuta de tn ar fi perfect pentru cei ce copiaza si nu pera inteleg ce au scris (ca mn 😛 ) ms mult , esti cea mai tare ! :*:X:*

  2. #2 gabi Says:

    este chiar frumoasa dar trebuia sa mai pui ceva pentru ca e prea scurta

  3. #3 Bianka Says:

    Sunt si eu de acord cu tine ar totusi e reusita.

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